Sunday, May 2, 2010

Classic Adobo

When asked what's my favorite food, I would always say Adobo. Yes friends, Adobo is top on my list. I can't remember being tired of eating this viand. I can even survive the whole week eating this, though it's not heart friendly.

It's been three weeks now after my husband left for Saudi Arabia and I hardly cook any 'real' food. I started to notice that I am loosing weight (which I don't like) so I decided to bring back the appetite. And what the trick? - Adobo!

As evolution becomes a trend, cooking Adobo become part of this bandwagon. Now there are more than a dozen way to cook Adobo and I should say the classic one is still my favorite.

Here's how I did my Adobo dinner:
I marinated 1/2 kilo of pork into a mixture of minced 1whole head of garlic, 1/2 cup vinegar, 1/2 cup water, 1/3 cup of soysauce, 1/2 teaspoon of grounded black pepper and 2 pcs laurel leaves. Leave for 30minutes until the flavor seeps into the meat. Over low heat bring the mixture to boil until the sauce becomes thick. Add some cooking oil (I choose Canola Oil to convince me it's guilt free...hehehehe) and presto! you have your mouthwatering Adobo dinner. Serves best with newly cooked rice and ice cold drinks of your choice.

Bon Appetit!


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